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Writer's picturePastor Linda Settles

Fully God


The Greek philosopher Socrates made this statement: "Oh that someone would arise, man or god, to show us God." In the minds of scholars, here is one of the greatest philosophers who ever lived; and yet he, himself, had a beating in his own breast - and he admitted it - oh that God could come in a man and show the world God in human form.

Plato, who was one of the great students of Socrates, said, "Unless a God man comes to us and reveals to us the Supreme Being, there is no help or hope." King Solomon, David’s son, said at the dedication of the temple, “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!” 1 Kings 8:27

Oh, that we could see God for ourselves. But God is so large, so vast, so majestic, how could we possibly comprehend such a God? 

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.

John 1:14

It is such a crazy sounding plan that some find it difficult to believe that it’s true. That the God who hovered over the earth, creating and ordering the world and everything on it, could possibly confine Himself to the womb of a woman. The doctrine of the deity of Christ has split churches and even denominations. 

What say you? Or as Jesus asked the disciples, “Who do you say I am?” Is Jesus the Son of God, or is He God, the Son? What a great question to wrestle with during this season of Lent. In fact, we are starting a new Lenten sermon series entitled: Fully. Jesus is fully God, fully human, fully truth, fully Lord, fully victorious, and on Easter Sunday fully alive!

Join us this Sunday as we explore how Jesus is not only the full embodiment of God, but Jesus is God! See you there!

Book Drive final week! Our service goal this year, as in past years, is to partner with Union Memorial UMC to collect as many books as we can and donate them to Pierre Laclede School! The books we collect should either be written by African Americans or written for African American students. The students are elementary and middle schoolers, and they especially need books for the older boys. The collection has started and will continue to the end of February. You can also order online and have them shipped to the church. God bless you for your generosity!

Women’s Gathering Don’t forget to sign up ladies! This year we will once again gather as a community of women for the IF:Gathering women’s conference! It will be Friday evening, February 23, and Saturday, February 24. Spirit-filled worship, engaging speakers, and a little sister-time are on the agenda. Registration is $15 and college students are free! Sign up at the Welcome Center or click here to register:

Vision for 2024:

A House United: 

Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!


Pastor Linda

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