United Methodist Church of Green Trails
Green Trails
Heading 2
We are excited to extend a special invitation to you for an exclusive Happy Hour event hosted by our Board of Directors. This is a wonderful opportunity to witness the impactful work LifeWise StL is doing to help individuals and families achieve economic well-being through high-impact, relationship-based programming and by addressing systemic barriers to their success. Please join us on: Thursday, August 1 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm LifeWise StL 1321 S. 11th Street St. Louis, MO 63104 (Located just blocks from Busch Stadium) Our CEO, Scott Walker, will deliver a welcoming message, and our board members will be your hosts for the evening, providing drinks and snacks. Through interactive stations where you'll meet our dedicated staff, you'll learn about our unique programming combining learning and personalized coaching that builds confidence, trust, and accountability. This entertaining and casual evening is all about connecting and sharing our mission with you - there will be no financial solicitation at this event.  Please RSVP by Thursday, July 18 to let us know you'll be joining us! Simply email us at events@lifewisestl.org.
College Ruled Composition Notebooks
College Ruled Spiral Notebooks
Colored Pencils
Dry erase markers
Graph Paper
Index Cards
Ink pens
Pencil boxes
Pencil Pouches
Post it notes
Scissors (safety, regular)
Tennis Shoes
Washable markers
Wide Ruled Composition Notebooks
Wide Ruled Spiral Notebooks