United Methodist Church of Green Trails
Green Trails
Step 1: Start a text and send to 844.973.1861. Enter the amount you want to donate in the message and hit send.
Step 2: You will receive a registration link.. Click the link and enter your contact and payment information.
As part of our electronic giving program, we now offer a smart tool designed for today's mobile phone users. Text giving is a powerful way to give in a matter of seconds. In less time than it takes to write a check, you can make weekly offerings/pledges/tithes, support various ministries, or set up a recurring donation by directly sending a text to our secure account at 844-973-1861.
We hope you'll make text giving a regular part of your giving routine.
Stop by the church office or contact Diane at 314-469-6740 for details.
Step 3: After registration is complete, you will receive a verification text and receipt via email.
Step 4: For future giving, simply send a text with the amount you wish to give and it will process