So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim Your might to all the generations to come.
Psalm 71:18, NRSV
The Sunday after Labor Day is celebrated as Grandparents’ Day! A time to honor those who have poured into us generation after generation. I remember both of my grandmothers. They were women of deep faith and a word of wisdom when needed. And like seasoned salt, they knew what it took to preserve a generation – a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Society tends to overlook the gifts, the needs, and the energy of a demographic whose hair may be gray (what’s left of it!), but whose eyes still twinkle with a lifetime of memories – our seniors. They say that 40 is the new 30; 50 is the new 40; 60 is the new 50. When are we going to grow up for real and celebrate the age that we are? Old age is not a disease but a badge of honor!
Gray hair is a crown of glory; it is gained in a righteous life.
Proverbs 16:31, NRSV
That gray hair is the result of years of being on the battlefield! Praying, praising, and sharing their faith, whether we wanted to hear it or not. Their words were an attempt to add value to our young lives. Just like when you add a little salt to your meal – it makes it taste a little better. Their words were seasoning being added to the plates of our lives. Seasoned salt. That’s how the gospel story has been passed down from generation to generation – faith of our fathers (& mothers), holy faith, we will be true to Thee till death.
So let’s celebrate! Let’s remember our Nana, Papa, Gigi, Gramps, Granny. And let’s give God thanks for those who were like grandparents to us, taking time to ask us how we were doing, correcting us when we did wrong and loving us through it all. This Sunday, September 13, join us either outside in the prayer garden at 9 a.m. or online at, as we celebrate the seasoned saints in our lives.
Pastor Linda