Dear Friends of Green Trails, For most of us, there is nothing in our history that resembles a week like we've just experienced in the World. It's been a time of surprise, unknown, and moment-by-moment change. It's a week where we might have read something similar in the science fiction genre, but we never believed the plot line might be our reality. Yet, this is the reality and we have to process it through our Christian understanding. In that understanding, our hope and our future is firmly in the arms of a loving and benevolent Savior. Our fear, though very real, can be assuaged by the knowledge and vision of our loving Father gathering us in a loving embrace and waiting until the storm has passed. We have been receiving many messages concerning the storm/concerns surrounding the Covid-19 virus from the Missouri Annual Conference and Gateway Districts of the United Methodist Church concerning conducting Sunday Worship. St. Louis County Council gave restrictions for all gatherings over 250 people yesterday (Friday, 3/13). It's important to know that both in numbers and in jurisdictions (Religious organizations are excluded from government agency edict). Green Trails Church is not within those guidelines. However, after much deliberation between the Leadership Board and staff, Green Trails Church has decided to suspend Worship for Sunday, March 15, 2020. This will include all activities associated including Sunday School and Child Care. We believe that this is the most responsible course of action for our parishioners and staff during this time. We will continue to monitor events and keep you updated as to our plans for next Sunday, March 22. For the week of March 16-20, The Church office will remain open Weekday Wow was already on Spring Break, so no Weekday Wow. Shirley Cooper's Memorial Service is still on for today, March 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. Many of you have asked about the status of those we are supporting with food at Green Trails Elementary, should Parkway close for an extended Spring Break. We have plans in place to continue to provide that food and have it delivered during the extended break. Thank you for that compassionate concern. The District is also making plans to keep the Parkway Pantry working for the families they serve as well. Should anyone be in need of supplies or assistance during this time of uncertainty, please contact the Church. We have a team of people ready to assist. And as always, please reach out to your neighbors to see how we can serve one another. Finally, let's join together in continuous prayer for our Church, our members, our neighbors, our community and our World. So many people are coming together quickly to rally to both protect our community and to serve each other. We look forward to coming together again very soon to celebrate these efforts and the opportunity to Worship freely, together, again.
Your True Friend,