More people are looking down these days. Whether it’s fiddling with their cell phones, staring at computer screens all day, or just walking in the mall. I see so many people looking down. It makes me wonder what’s down there. When you spend your time looking down, you miss out on what’s around you. So, the question for all of us to consider is: Where are you looking?
When we look for human companionship, that’s external. When we look to God, that’s internal. When we look for answers among people, we’ll always be unfulfilled because we don’t have all the answers. We don’t know you like that. But God is acquainted with ALL of our ways! (Psalm 139). So, the Psalmist, knowing that God is faithful and will not turn His back on him, writes:
I lift up my eyes to the hills— from where will my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.
The Psalmist asks the question, gives the answer, then makes the case from verse 3 on – that God’s got you. Isn’t that good to know? That no matter your circumstance, no matter the situation, there is One who can help us. One who hears our faintest cry and answers by and by.
God’s not asleep at the wheel, and He never has a bad day! But if you’re always looking down – I’ll never do this, I’ll never have that – you will miss out on the blessings that God has for you.
The Lord watches over our very lives (verse 7) now and forevermore. That’s good news! That in the midst of dementia, diabetes, cancer, heart, lung, and liver probs – we may stumble, but we won’t fall. Because through all of the grief, misery, heartache, and pain – Jesus is with us.
So, what do we do with such knowledge? Trust in God’s love and protection, no matter how you feel or how things may look. Get in the habit of thanking God for everything, even when it seems irrational. And before you know it, you’ll slowly start to ascend, your spirit will rise above your problems and soar! Look to the hills, church!
Join us this Sunday for worship. The sermon title: Look Up! You can worship in-house at 10:00am, or you can also join us online. For online worship go to
Youth Mission Trip Keep our youth and their chaperones, Amee Colvin and Martha Hicks, in prayer as they serve in Milwaukee!
Church Camp will be held from July 31-August 4. If you would like to volunteer to help in any capacity, please contact Amee Colvin at We’re expected to have about 100 campers!
Church Anniversary This year we will celebrate 55 years of ministry at the UMC of Green Trails! Stay tuned for information on Trivia Nite, the Church Picnic at Faust Park, and our Anniversary Dinner on Nov. 4. Our fundraising goal is $55,000 in honor of 55 years of faithful service and generosity. I invite you to consider how you will participate in giving. Whether it’s $5, $500, or $5000, no gift is too small (or too large!), and it will all go toward wiping out our deficit. Let’s end the year strong!
State of the Church The next one will be Saturday, July 29 from 10:00-11:00am. Hear how Green Trails is doing on our goals, the budget, and ministry in general.
Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up this month’s Memory Verse Card and other information at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!
Pastor Linda