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In Her Shoes: Mothers Day 2023

Writer's picture: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles
Theme for 2023: Faith Forward – The Year of Extraordinary Faith!

Rev. Henry Blackaby once wrote, “When God was ready to judge the world with a flood, He came to Noah. When He desired to build a nation for Himself, He turned to Abraham. When He heard His children groaning under Egyptian bondage, He appeared in a burning bush to Moses. They were three of the most ordinary of men.” Rev. Blackaby is so right. But I would carry it one step further and add… But when God wanted to create a world, He used a woman, Eve, for the noblest of tasks.

This Sunday we will celebrate Mother’s Day for the 109th official time. Official because it was signed into law and made a celebration in 1914, after a couple of attempts. But we really don’t need a holiday to tell us that mothers are special! They are special 24/7/365. In season and out of season. Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall. In good times and bad times, mothers are a sight to behold!

Many of us have had a woman in our lives who helped raise us, whether it was biological, adopted, or surrogate, so we have at least one woman to celebrate on this day.

I remember playing dress-up in my mother’s closet. I would put on one of her church hats, find a cute pair of shoes to slip on, and man! You couldn’t tell me that I wasn’t saying something! Stumbling around, trying to balance myself and walk like a lady.

I didn’t realize it at the time, but my mother’s shoes were showing me a lot. She had tennis shoes that she wore when she was going to be walking for a while. You know, it’s amazing but those soles never wore out! She had casual shoes for occasions when she didn’t want to dress up, but she didn’t want to dress too down. Like when she visited friends or went out to eat. Practical, everyday shoes that took her wherever she wanted to go to have a little fun.

My mother had house shoes that she would put on as soon as she got home. I guess because they were “house” shoes (corny, but you get my drift). They were soft and comfy on her feet after a long day at work. And who can forget the church shoes. Special shoes, fancier than the others. Shoes set apart for church and other special occasions. Shoes that made her feel so pretty and special. Shoes that held up to standing and singing in the choir or going out to the buffet afterwards.

My mother’s shoes fascinated me as a little girl. There was something special about putting on mama’s shoes – you felt close to mama, in fact you wanted to be like mama, that’s why you put them on.

And in many ways, I am my mother’s child. My husband tells me when I have a certain expression on my face – you look just like your mother. Or when I say something a certain way –you sound just like your mother. Or when I walk a certain way – you walk just like your mother. He even took a picture of me one day with a little cap on so that he could show me that…I look just like my mother! I’m so proud of that. It makes me feel as though I’m walking in her shoes.

But there’s one thing that my mother passed on to me that isn’t sold in any store. She passed on her faith in God. Not a Bible-thumping, tambourine playing, hand-clapping faith. But a quiet, graceful, and grateful way of living. A life that puts the needs of others before your own. That was my mother, and I hope that in some way it is in me, too. The Apostle Paul saw the same thing happen to Timothy.

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.”

2 Timothy 1:5

In other words, Timothy was walking in the faith footsteps of his mother, and no doubt she was walking in the faith footsteps of her mother. Walking in her shoes. I told you – there’s something special about putting on your mother’s shoes!

We will celebrate the women in our lives this Sunday. Women of influence, those who have left a footprint on our faith journey. And, as a special Mother’s Day treat, we’ll have a photo booth for those special family photos that mothers treasure! And a perfect opportunity to get your Christmas card pix out of the way, too!

We will also confirm two youth who have chosen to walk the better path, following in their mother’s shoes, walking the path that leads to a faithful life in Christ Jesus. What a blessing to see your child confirmed on Mother’s Day!

So, I would love for you to join us for worship this Sunday, as we continue the sermon series: Family Conversations. This Sunday’s sermon: In Her Shoes. We’ll celebrate all things MOM! And we will all be witnesses to one of the traditions of our faith, the confirmation of our youth! You can worship in-person or you can also join us online at 10:00am. For online worship go to

Mother’s Day & Confirmation! As stated in the blog, both celebrations will happen on May 14! Bring your family out and enjoy worship, a Photo Booth for some memorable family photos, and be part of the confirmation of two of our very own youth! What a fitting way to celebrate Mom!

Pancake Breakfast on May 21, 8:30am. And only $10! No children’s Sunday School that day. This is a youth fundraiser for their upcoming mission trip. Let’s show them our support and have breakfast together!

HeGetsUs You can jump into this group at any time! No book is required. Every Wednesday thru May 24. We’ll talk about the thought-provoking videos that you may have seen as commercials on TV and during the Super Bowl. It’s led in a discussion format, and it’s open to everyone, member or not, anyone who wants to get to know the One who gets us, even when we don’t get ourselves! If you’d like to have a bite to eat, dinner (potluck style) is at 5:45pm and the group goes from 6:30-7:30pm. Lea Doyel is the facilitator.

Senior Fellowship The 2nd gathering of our seasoned saints went well. Great ideas were shared, and it’s still in the beginning phase, so we need more folks to come on out and enjoy a time of socializing with others. The next one will be on Tuesday, May 16, at 11:00 am. If you would like to bring a board game or puzzle, or even your lunch, feel free. We’ll brown bag it this Tuesday. See you there!

Board Meeting Monday, May 22, 6:30pm in Room 121.

Annual Conference The MO Annual Conference will be in St. Charles for the next two years! That means you can see what happens when every Missouri pastor, district superintendent, lay delegate, and the Bishop gather in one room to conference, and do the work of the church! The dates this year are: June 9-11. Visitors can attend for free! For more information, including the agenda, go to: AGENDA — MOAC23 (

Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up your monthly church calendar, this month’s Memory Verse Card, and the printed newsletter at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. To see the calendar online here’s the link: Church Calendar. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!

“Unless the Lord builds the house,

Those who build it labor in vain.”

Psalm 127:1a


Pastor Linda

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