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Writer's picturePastor Linda Settles

Designing Community

In the 1980s and 90s television experienced the dawn of the ensemble sitcoms. There was typically a cast of several people, with varying personalities, coming from various walks of life. The Golden Girls was one such show, where 3 older single women, and the mother of one of them, shared a house. It was one of the first times that America was given a glimpse into the joys and challenges of aging.

Another show was Designing Women. Four women, and later one man, worked together at an interior design firm. They were designing in the studio, but also, they each had something that they designed to achieve. Whether it was success in business or in love, each person had their designs set on something. 

As I thought about the end of the Body Building series, I reviewed what we had learned. First, Jesus is still looking for willing workers for the vineyard (Willing Workers Wanted). In order to be good workers for the Kingdom of God we must bulk up on the spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and scripture reading (Bulk Up!). We learned that body builders flex for two reasons: to focus on strengthening a particular muscle, or to be like the Apostle Paul and brag on/flex on their weaknesses because that’s when God’s strength kicks in (Flex!). The final sermon will be on Designing Community.

Together, we are the body of Christ. And God designed us to be in community. This dates back to the Creation, when God created Adam.

Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner.”

Genesis 2:18

Then God created Eve, and the first family, the first community was designed. Those sitcoms, and God, were showing us that no matter where we came from, no matter our viewpoints, we are much better together than apart. 

And God designed the body of Christ with a desire for connection. It never fails that when I visit our homebound members, one of the things that they tell me is, “I sure do miss the people at church.” There’s a connection that is formed week after week - in worship, in Sunday School and small groups, and in church dinners! The more time we spend together, the more time we want to be together. It’s as if there’s a God-sized hole in our heart that can only be filled by our love of God and others. We belong to God and to one another…

…so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.

Romans 12:5

All the saints, the many, make up one body in Christ, who is the head of the body, and the common denominator of our unity. We are not a big, confused, disorderly heap, but as the body of Christ we are organized and knit together, united to one common head, and brought to life by one common Spirit.

But we are also members of one another! None of us are an island to ourselves. No, we need each other because we are a part of each other. So, everything we do in word or deed, we should do for the benefit of others. 

Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, 

as indeed you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Donald Marsh and Richard Avery wrote a song that embodies this thought. Here’s the chorus: I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together. It takes all of us because that’s how God designed the body. Designing community, that’s what God has done for Green Trails. And we would love for you to be a part of it, too!

Join us on Sunday as we conclude the sermon series on Body Building, building the body of Christ. This Sunday’s title: Designing Community. If you can’t make it in person, please join us online at

Membership Sunday will be this Sunday, September 29. That’s when we will receive new members into the body of Christ and the faith community of Green Trails! If you have been considering joining, transferring your membership, or reaffirming your membership vows, this is your Sunday! So far, we have about six people who will make their commitment to be a part of the body at Green Trails! And there’s room for many more. No need to let me know in advance, just come on down at the appropriate time on Sunday, and let’s build the kingdom of God together!

Coffee with the Pastor The next one will be on this Tuesday, October 1, from 10:00-11:00am. Stop by the church for a little coffee and conversation with me. I would love for us to talk about questions you might have and get to know one another better! I’ll be upstairs in the lobby, near the coffee pot!

State of the Church will be next Sunday, October 6, after worship. You will hear updates on finance, ministry, and the business of the church. 

Trivia Nite! Do you have your group yet? Have you signed up for a table? The theme is: Teams. Any kind of team your team can imagine. Feel free to dress the part, bring snacks for your table, and we’ll provide the drinks! There will also be a silent auction with all kinds of items for bidding. Let’s have some fun GT!

Pledge Sunday will be October 27. Shortly you will receive a pledge card for 2025. Please pray and ask the Lord about your 2025 giving. God has truly blessed this church, and it is because of the faithful and generous giving of the body! We will gather the pledge cards on October 27, pray over them, and ask God to bless each pledge. Then top the morning off with a Celebration Lunch! To God be the glory!

WOW! Join us on Wednesdays as we discuss the book: Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. If you’ve ever had your emotions get the best of you, this class is for you! If you’ve ever experienced grief or loss, this class is for you! How do we deal with our emotions in a healthy, spiritual way? Let’s talk about it! This semester we’re doing a joint class with Union Memorial, so we are offering in-house as well as a Zoom option. The newsletter and website have the Zoom information if you prefer. The in-house gathering will include a potluck meal at 5:45p and the class will go from 6:30-7:30p. 

Vision for 2024:

A House United:

Strong Faith, Strong Families, Strong Future!


Pastor Linda

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