Last week we talked about a chance of rain, and we saw how Job handled the afflictions in his life, because into each life a little rain must fall.
Meteorologists will tell you that before the rain comes, there’s a shifting in the atmosphere – air pressure builds, clouds align, fronts collide, and before you know it, it’s raining.
Pressure is everywhere – even air has pressure to it. Atmospheric pressure is the force exerted onto a surface by the weight of air above that surface in the atmosphere of Earth. Simply put, it’s the force exerted on you by tiny particles of air. Did you know that air had weight to it? We breathe it all the time and it doesn’t feel heavy to us, right? We can’t see it or catch it, but air has weight and air pressure is all around us.
We can apply that to our lives…are there signs that let us know when the spiritual atmosphere around us is changing? When the pressure begins to mount around you, what do you do? There’s a reason the pressure hasn’t crushed you…
“We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our bodies.”
2 Corinthians 4:8-10, NRSV
Christ lives in you! And the resurrection power of Jesus is exponentially greater than any pressure exerted on you. Join me this Sunday at 10:00am as we talk about the Atmospheric Pressure in our lives. We’ll continue to worship outside, as weather permits, and will also have our online worship. Our Reopening Team has set a tentative date of November 1 for limited indoor worship. Stay tuned because this date is very tentative.
Nov. 1 is also All Saints Day and the UMW Candle Burning Celebration! An email was sent out this week letting you know how you can honor a loved one during this celebration, whether we’re worshiping outside or inside.
One last thing – on October 11 and 18 we’ll offer two more opportunities to have your ballot notarized. And on the 18th there will even be a food truck on the lot! So right after church you can grab a bite to eat!
The day that I was writing this blog, I received a beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers – from you! I am humbled and so honored to be pastoring a church that is so loving and generous. I thank you and I love each and every one of you!
May God continue to bless you, keep you, make His face shine upon you, and give you peace.
Pastor Linda
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