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All Saints Day

Writer's picture: Pastor Linda SettlesPastor Linda Settles

There are foods that bring wonderful memories to mind – s’mores over a campfire (or firepit!), warm, chewy, cookies from the oven (licking the bowl and spoon!), turkey and dressing with all the trimmings. Comfort food. They remind us of places, people, and times.

And there are people who bring wonderful memories to mind. A beloved grandmother who always snuck you an extra treat. An uncle who was the life of the party, even if it meant scaring the wits out of you by pulling out his dentures! A Sunday school teacher who saw something in you. A doctor who calls you on Christmas Eve to see how you’re recovering from surgery (true story!).

There are people who’ve been there for us, encouraging, supporting, cheering us on in our faith and in life. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate these saints, ones who have gone home to glory. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper, Holy Communion, which is another type of comfort food. It brings back memories of what God has done for us through Christ, and what Christ has done for us on the cross. Comfort food. Feel free to prepare something at home, something as simple as a cracker and juice or water, and we will partake of our Comfort Food together.

This Sunday at 10:00am, we will celebrate All Saints Day with the United Methodist Women’s Candle Burning Celebration with the reading of names and the ringing of bells. Please join us online at and let’s celebrate the ones who have gone before us, and celebrate our ultimate Comfort Food, the Bread of Life, Jesus Christ!

A shout out to Amee Colvin, Mission & Outreach Director, and all of those who offered their trunks & treats last Sunday! We blessed 120 children and had lots of fun in the process. And on top of that, October’s Porch Drop exceeded expectations, again! The hats, gloves, and scarves collected will certainly be a blessing to the homeless youth that Epworth serves. Amazing!

On November 8 we will celebrate Consecration Sunday, a time when we pledge our financial gifts for 2021. You should have received a letter from me with a pledge card via mail. I am so overwhelmed by the continued generosity of the church, and by the pledge response to date! I’m reminded of Paul’s exhortation in Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Church, there’s NOTHING we can’t do together! I will pray over our collective pledges on November 8, that God will bless our commitment, and use our gifts to build His kingdom on earth. So please mail or drop your card by the church by November 6. To God be the glory for the great things He has done!


Pastor Linda

P.S. Don't forget to FALL BACK this Saturday night and claim that extra hour of sleep. Join us online for Live Worship at 10 a.m. CST!

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