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Adjust the Frequency


If you know anything about adjusting the frequency of things, which I don’t, you may know that there is a transmitter and a receiver. And they should be on the same frequency. If the frequency is off, you won’t be able to receive signals from the transmitter. There, that’s all I know!

But I do remember that back in the day, when I was a child, at a certain time of night the television screen would show those multi-colored bars and emit a high-pitched sound. That let you know that all programming had come to an end. No more signals were being transmitted, no frequency, nothing but white noise.

Sometimes it seems that way with our faith. We try to pray but it seems as though the words are hitting the ceiling and bouncing off. We come to church but it seems as though everyone got something out of the sermon or the singing, everyone except you. All you hear is white noise. No real signal. In those times we need to adjust the frequency, which is actually a two-fold endeavor.

First, see if there’s anything causing interference in your communication with God. Sometimes unconfessed sin can cause us to be too ashamed to pray. Sometimes spending too much time watching tv, or scrolling through the phone, or talking on the phone can drain our time, thus throwing our frequency off. We’re too busy to pray when we wake up and too tired to pray when we go to bed. Our transmission is off!

But there’s another kind of frequency. Webster’s defines it as: the number of repetitions of a periodic process in a unit of time. In other words, the number of times you repeat something over time. If you travel a lot, you may have rewards because you repeatedly book airfare. You are a “frequent” flyer. You see where I’m going with this?

I’m starting a new sermon series this Sunday: Lost and Found. Each week will have a different focus on what was lost and how we can find it. This week the focus is on joy. Tell me if you have sensed this too – Christians seem to be the most joy-less people I know! We get upset over things, we worry about things, we stress about everything. We barely even smile anymore! And in the midst of all of that, we’ve lost our joy. Where did it go and how do we get it back? The psalmist gives us a clue…

In Your presence there is fullness of joy;

Psalm 16:11

There is joy just being in the presence of God! Having the awareness that God is with us, right here and right now. In spite of what things look like or feel like, if we come into His Presence, we will find joy. So, how does one “come into His Presence?”

We need to adjust our frequency. Check out how much time you’re devoting to being with Jesus. How often do you pray or read Scripture or a devotion? How often are your conversations about the goodness of God or the hope of Christ in your life? How often do you just sit and dwell on God?

Friends, if we adjust the frequency of spending time with the Lord, we will automatically be adjusting the frequency, or the transmission, between us and God. The more we practice something, the better we get at it. And let me add this – words aren’t always needed. Sometimes you can sit down and start thinking about who God is and receive the fullness of joy.

Try this: find a comfortable place to sit or stand. Close your eyes or look at nature. Just “be.” Then, think of one thing for which you are grateful to God. Just one thing. Let it sit there for a moment, don’t rush. Just dwell on how God has blessed you in that moment. And before you know it, like a gentle wind, joy comes to your heart. Repeat the process as necessary and your joy will overflow. So, if you’ve lost your joy, try adjusting your frequency and you’ll find it again.

Join us this Sunday for the first of the sermon series: Lost and Found. This week’s sermon, Adjust the Frequency, will help you rediscover your joy!

Anniversary Picnic! After worship on Oct. 15, we will head over to Faust Park’s Pavilion (near the playground) and have a good old-fashioned church picnic! Wear your church t-shirts (we still have a few if you didn’t purchase one yet). The church will supply bbq meats. We’re asking everyone to sign up for a side to share or other items to bring on the website or with Jei after worship.

55 for 55 Our anniversary fundraising goal is $55,000 in honor of 55 years of faithful service and generosity. And while we’re making progress, we have a ways to go! I invite you to consider how you will participate in giving. Whether it’s $5, $500, or some multiple of 5, no gift is too small (or too large!). There is a line for 55 Anniversary giving on our e-giving site, or you can write “Anniversary” on the memo line of your check. We will culminate our 55th Church Anniversary celebration on Sunday, November 5, with worship and dinner. Let’s celebrate 55 for 55!

Children’s Sabbath will be observed on Oct. 22. We will lift up our children and youth, and they will be part of the worship celebration, as we live into our vision of empowering new generations! Bring all the kiddos you can and let’s show them how much they are loved.

WOW Bible Study! We have 2 new classes from which to choose, starting this Wednesday – Lea Doyel will lead a class on forgiveness, and Rod Harris will lead one based on outcasts in the book of Luke. Both classes will run for six weeks. Dinner is at 5:45p (potluck) and classes are from 6:30-7:30pm.

Next State of the Church will be on Saturday, October 28, 10:00am.

Stay in the Know! Don’t forget to pick up this month’s information at the Welcome Center or the Coffee Station. Just our way of helping you to stay in the know!

Worship With Us ~ Sundays at 10:00am


14237 Ladue Rd.

Chesterfield, MO 63017



Sunday School for all ages at 9:00am!


Pastor Linda

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